Printed books Vs E-books

The fast changing world and its new technology have changed the way you once regarded there is no replacement for them, in the past couple of decades is not its relevance the change has suffered in many industries. It has changed the entertainment industry, retail marketing, sales and services, and the book industry. E-books are considered as the replacement of the printed or physical books.  Publishing companies also suffer in this new trend and had windup them, mortar and brick outlets in the wake of flourishing E-book trade.

Printed books, like diamonds, are forever.
You can feel to hold the printed book in your hand and its aroma of the ink and the pulpy smell is a great experience. It give to, turn pages and follow the printed words. This feeling is stored in the library of your mind and whenever to travel to a scheme which has narrated in the story or the novel immediately the brain opens the book and bring out the memories and the love-able feeling.

Printed Books we hold are the intensive labor involved.
Though a writer spends thousands of hours to jot his novel or stories, then a set of witty hands involves into editing, proof reading, copy writing. Then it should to pass the graphic designing, Cover designing, final proof set and printed on paper and then bound, and send to a brick and mortar store. A store manager, a sales person all have their own part in bringing up a printed book in the reader's hands.  This many people have worked for it.  When you buy a printed book you should be proud of your shelf that you are in one or another way you helped those many people to make a living. Your earning are used in useful manner.

The Book in the self attracts you to read it
Once the book is bought and put on the shelf its cover design and its feels beckons you to read it in a full-length. The thing  you forget to do so the subconscious mind all ways lead to consume the book and to be stored in the mind library also its presents satisfy you it’s a useful investment. Reading a printed book is as attending a live concert. Reading the same book in any other media is like watching the same programme in the T.V you may forget a T.V programme easily. You would remember the live Programme for a long time probably for a life time.

A book is a precious gift.
A book as a gift can be remembered for ages and if a question is put on the eldest member you know about the most coveted gift in their life it may be a book also might be included in the list.  Either you present a paper a E reader with thousands of books in it and keep it in place and store it and search the book you want and piled with titles and frustrated and place it aside and get involved in other things not reading the desired book you never looking for.  Because plenty is painful and changing one from then an start to read and other popup and it destroy the mood and lead to choose either this or that and find a needle in the hay stack.  Physical books are filled over the colors and leaves a feeling your investment has helped a set of people those have involved in its production.

How many life dose a printed book have
You have bought a printed book long back and read it again and again it has decorated  yourself for a decade and you decide to discard and give it to charity or sell them as second sale. Another one buys and read and enjoy and sell it again this is repeated the book has entertained numerous people. Some timed its exported to the  third world and again its sold as second sales likewise the printed book has a multiple life.  Finally it’s made into pulp and recycled and again it goes on unless its thrown in fire. EBook counter parts has a short life and mostly they are forgotten in the piles and its main purpose is not met.

Print on paper keeps pulp industry alive
When a set of trees are slathered for producing pulp and then made into paper and printed and distributed it give a chance for the new set of tree planted and vies employment for a group of people and keep the industry go on.  EBooks are created with help of software where there is no end for pages it keeps on turning pages in millions and billions taking the flavor of reading enthusiasm
If your text books were not in printed form the curiosity of learning should have ceased long back since you are kid.  Your parents kept on their laps and should have read your favorite picture book and they helped to understand the bed time stories.
Printed books are a most precious invention of human it shall come along with religious memento, Academic or a most precious story  or a novel  story in our minds Library.
