10 wonderful lessons from the Country hen

Country hens aquatinted to human since they began to tame animals for their needs. They are easy source of second income for farmers, from the time of bartering and the use of money came to existence. Either the keepers live in any part of the world in cities, suburb, and towns or in a remote county, Country hen come to a handy reserve. Though they are kept without a proper land owned by the keepers, a little coop will remind the keeper as owner they come and go for spending the night lay eggs, and shelter.  They are source for egg and meat products in the early human society.  Even to this day, they beauty the backyard, and herded in the range. They scavenge the garbage bins, to be faithful to their keepers.  The qualities of the life they live in are different compared with other fouls or even animals.
1. The beauty of the farm is country hens
While you visit any county or an urban area, you will be surprised to see the Country hens with a beauty patrolling around the farm with their chicks.  Their colored feather shining in the sun, as if they bathed just now, as clean as it could be. Cocks roam around and they fight to prove their strength. If a farm is missing this sight, it may lose its beauty. As they, pretty the farm or the backyard their life style noticed and the circle of life entrust great responsibilities if studied keenly. Their way of life passes knowledge that can be adapted.

2. Country hens birth and it days with its mother
You can understand the chicks’ hatched out of the eggs, gives a sweet tweet, as its mother respond to their voices. It follows the rules of her mother. She learns quickly as it has taught her. The tricks and tactics she had to follow to survive in the farm. She should be a go-getter, not waiting for the supply to come in her way she had to compete with her siblings to be a unique being. Until the day her mother cares, she would enjoy her nurturing mother. When the day of enmity begins in the mother’s metabolism, she had to face the world of her own. 

3. Precaution and commitments to become a mother
When you take note of the country hens that you keep in the backyard, it will be surprising as she take precaution and commitments installed her cycle of life. They find a unique palace for laying eggs, pre hatch and taking care of its chicks one can compare to the human life too.
The way the eggs she lays and gather them in a warm and dirty place. Once she is familiar with her place, she continues it. As the hen lays eggs each days and go scavenge she guard her place, she do not allow other inmates in the coop near her eggs. She mates with the cock and lays fertile eggs, though it is regarded without the help of a male hen she can lay healthy eggs, its necessary for a cock to guard.

4. Hatching
As the hen keep on laying eggs, in a certain time she starts brooding. While this time, she stops lay eggs and keep herself away from the cocks. Most instances she spends will be taking care of the eggs and sitting over them to make warm to hatch. Approximately, it takes 21 days to hatch her chicks. While her chicks’ begin to come out of the eggs, and the sweet tweet of the chick make the mother more anxious to care them intensely.  The harsh voice of the hen which she receive from the time she begin to brood continues as longs as the time her chicks are grownup and scavenge themselves.

5. Parenting:
You may notice the caring power of the hen got more intense in this period. While she takes her chicks in the range, she even fights the most powerful cock once that had subdued her and treated as nothing. She is not feared of the cock intrude her way with her chick. Not only the cock she fights but the bigger animals the hunt dog; or a strange human, it may be anything that may come around her. Her strange voice and her angry mover make all other in the range to get fear of her. Even if you are the keeper of her she does not bother, she may peck when you go near her chick.
If she notices a hawk gliding over the sky she gives a wired voice, when the chicks listen to this they all come running realizing the danger and take refuge under her wings. She got the power to shelter her chicks under her wings even offended by most powerful eagle. If a chick goes astray to be the victim of the hawk, when it has been spotted and caught with the lightening fast. The mother hen noticed it and she come rushing in rescue of her chick, while this happen you may notice this flight less bird flying a certain distance cashing the kidnapper.
6. Best trainer
The care she keeps up on her chicks is un-matchable. She teaches the chicks to starch the ground and look for eateries. The mother hen teaches to scavenge around the range. While the mother taught all things beside this she, also take out her chicks in the dawn and bring back in the dusk. In the coop, also she keeps her chicks under her wings whole night. Early in the morning when the cock crews again she start the same routine that continues for months.
As the chicks grow up day by day and the time comes, they can do the cores of their own the mother hen decides to part. For a few days she watch her chicks, she notice their ability to scavenge, encounter danger and tactics to escape the offenders. She may give the wired warning sound, but the chicks do not bother about it, she decides it is the best time to chase away her chicks.

7. The mother hen force her chicks to rebellion
You may wonder the example of the intensive caretaker, is now gone up side down. She begin to hate her chick as a stranger and peck them and drive away even to the end of the range. Her strange sound which she gets in the time of brooding is now gone and her normal voice returns.
Then again she began to lay eggs and the cycle continues she become as a young chick again in the range while her chick are grownup and they also become her size and the difference in the chicks and the mother cont be identified they all become normal.

8. Cocks in the range boss the farm for their inmates.
Rooster in the early days, regarded as morning wakes, they crew as the dawn appears in the east, and announce the time its early morn. You may find the people who live in the farm even in this modern days follow the time which the cock signs with its crew. The most part of the cocks life in the farms is spend roaming back of the hen and chasing them all over the backyard for mating. Their ego rise up and they roam around bossing. The hen always fears the rooster, and keeps away from them. Only she opposes and subdues the cock while she is brooding.

9. Rooster Other than that they fight with their compatriots
You may notice if there were two or more cocks in the range in same size and equal strength, there will be no peace in the community. It will be fight. They fight for power and want to be the leader of the range. The fighting will be crucial and often fatal, if someone did not stop them, the fight may continue for a long time. The cocks regarded as the fighters and they will not compromise until the end. If a cock is lost, and still in the range its life will be in trouble. The winning cock may drive the looser pillar to post around the range whenever noticed.  Therefore, they fight and fight until the opponent is subdued or dead.  
10. A day is set for the cocks

When a cock matures and come in to size, a day fixed for him, when a party loom his meat served, or sold for money in the market. His days are over his handsome walk and his way of enticing the hens come to an end. For he should depart as young and tender for his days are limited he cannot look at his old age. Like a warrior in the battle die young, or to the purpose he is kept.  He can be happy that all his peak days he ruled the range with all his power and subdued whoever opposed him.

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