They are great Britons. How and why they are great? Is a new book by me

When commuting on busy day in the heavy traffic jams where the vehicles move as snails. Frustrated passengers start murmuring and commenting about their own problems. Some comment about the government some about the people themselves the tarried journey of frustration. Few passengers praised about the British rule.
This made me to ponder and get into the augment about the Britons. How they were Great, what made the world to pursuit them. The strategies made them great. Their language, Literature, culture, inventions and discoveries, Health care, Sports and the way of life. In every things they exceled.
This made me to come up with a new title "They are Great Britons, How and why they are Great". This is a timely out come after the Briexit, and as the American celebrate the 400th Anniversary their pilgrim fathers set foot on the new world.

Also this book talk about the Britons went all-around the world bringing out great nations from nowhere.

I hope the book is a good read. Buy this book Here ASIN: 1980462305

